
Norah Dooley is an “…entrancing storyteller.”  Scott Alarik, Boston Globe

Norah Dooley is a storyteller and children’ s author. She has performed as a featured storyteller in the Christmas and Spring Revels in Cambridge and Boston MA, the Newport Folk Festival, Albany NY River Festival, 3 Apples Storytelling Festival, MA and at the Clearwater  Festival. She has published 5 spoken word CDs including: “Music of Angels” (1999), “Stories Nobody Told Me “Italian” Folk tales” (2002) and “Stories from the Neighborhood, World Folk tales” (2002),” Rabbitales” (2006) and “My Bad,Bad Dog and other Neighbors”  (2006).  Norah’s published picture books, Everybody Cooks Rice, Everybody Bakes Bread, Everybody Serves Soup, and Everybody Brings Noodles (Carolrhoda Books @ are titles in a series about her former neighborhood in Cambridge, MA.
 Norah Dooley is as an educator as well. She works in schools, libraries and teacher’s conferences and presents workshops in throughout the US and most recently in Tokyo, Japan.   Norah has an MEd in Creative Arts and Learning and has been a full time classroom teacher and instructor in performing arts in elementary and in middle school.  Norah writes, produces and directs youth theater projects. AS co-founder of and project director of StoriesLive®, she created a curriculum based, high school storytelling initiative and scholarship project. She is the co-founder of massmouth,inc

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